Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why food by bike?

First, the word food. Everyone has to eat. There is no escaping that fact. People eat food. Food is sustenance. But besides nourishment it can be sensed. This is mostly referred to has taste. Food not as the commodity, but the meal has been marketed nowadays as a food experience.

A food experience. I am most intrigued with the suggestive influences that make up an experience. Like that philosophical approach to question what is an experience? I'll avoid a lengthy dissertation, but simply refer to the old adage "I think, therefore I am". Okay, a cliche saying, but to the point, in terms of perceived existence. Nothing exits unless talked about. Thus, food exists as an experience because we communicate about it.

We communicate about food probably much more than you think. Since everyone has to eat that's a lot of food experiences. I say again, a lot. So much that I have a saying, "it's not what I am going to see when I get there. But what I am going to eat." This to me was the entertainment or food recreation of an outing.

So a lot of what I do these days is about the food experience. And its given me a self-proclaimed critic instinct. I might not know mainstream likes, but know my own "food relativity". Nothing special about that. Food comparisons happen for most people daily. I think the difference is when someone becomes curious about food, and seeks out different experiences.

Undoubtedly, my food credentials had changed forever by this food experience.

ALINEA (San Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants - Seventh Best Restaurant in the World, Best in North America. (2010).

But still my foodie instinct would say, "please, sir, I want some more." Like a foodie thrill seeker I sought-after more. THE FAT DUCK (San Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants - Third Best Restaurant in the World, Chef's Choice. (2010).

Next, the word bike. Okay, I am not actually a cycling enthusiast, yet. That will be the dialog with this blog. It will explore my own self-discovery of food by bike. I aim to answer "how to" food by bike.

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