
Food-by Bike World Tour

The inception of the World Tour is my fortunate serendipity. It wasn't clear to me at the time. My sensory appreciation was on edge. I had traveled 4,015.7 miles by plane, train, and car. A pilgrimage of sorts to then be seated at THE FAT DUCK (San Pellegrino World's 50 Best Restaurants - Third Best Restaurant in the World, Chef's Choice. (2010).

(I even walked a lot when got lost in Maidenhead. THE FAT DUCK is not in Maidenhead, it's in Bray.)

My motivation is to food by bike across the world. A powerful intent to challenge and refine my food intellect. I welcome, and thank you for your support. These World Tour blog pages are dedicated to that endeavor - a flavorful mission for goodwill.